Executive Coaching
Every leader hits their ceiling of complexity. They hit a wall that holds them back from fully empowering themselves, their teams and their organization. And usually, what prevents them from breaking through that ceiling are blind-spots – things they don’t know they don’t know, that when illuminated, free them up to really grow. And that’s where I come in. My executive coaching program is a precision tool for helping executive leaders and their teams identify blind-spots and increase self awareness so they can make more skillful decisions daily, and experience greater levels of performance and fulfillment. The essence of executive coaching is helping you tap into your rich potential – an authentic sense of power and interpersonal wisdom. You’ll develop a greater capacity to inspire teams, and coaching will increase your clarity, insight and focus on a daily basis, helping you become more effective at your job and finding greater ease – at work and at home.
Executive Leadership Development
Leaders of organizations have strong minds. They’re smart, analytical, and they have great common sense. But they’re not always connected to emotions – which is a massive source of intelligence, intuition, judgement – and the key to empowering and inspiring others. As a result, they often leave more than 50% of their power on the table without realizing it. Executive leadership development is about getting access to that tremendous untapped reservoir of power by developing an emotional education. This is done by identifying unskillful habits and then using the power of the mind, along with guidance, accountability and support from a leadership coach to create more skillful habits, so you can ultimately create a more fulfilling destiny – for the yourself and your organization. And the impact is awesome:
- You’re more empowering and inspiring with your colleagues
- You execute at a higher level
- You have more time to reflect and think
- You’re less reactive and clearer on how to best focus time and energy
- You have more freedom, balance and personal power – in all aspects of you life
Leadership Coaching: Why Mikael Meir
Unlike a lot of executive coaching and leadership development experts I led and developed teams for 15 years. I absolutely love developing creative strategy and business model innovation, I’ve grown businesses through massive chaos and change, I’ve dealt with complex organizational dynamics, interpersonal dynamics, and I’ve developed effective tools for reducing the worry, stress and self doubt that all leaders face. I believe nothing can take the place of practical experience – the confidence that comes from success – and the profound learning that comes from failure. So it’s with that contextual understanding, that foundation – that I offer guidance.
If you’re a 10/10 on willingness to look inside yourself openly, and put forth the disciplined effort required to make the changes required to develop your skills – you’ll be successful – guaranteed. And if you want a guide, who’s led through complexity and chaos, been to hell, knows the way back, knows where the signposts to disaster are hidden and understands the levers for creating change, we have the basis for a good fit.
Get Your Introductory Executive Coaching Session
Your first step is to set up a no charge introductory session by clicking here. In that session I help you get clear on the most important goal that will help you make the biggest difference and thrive at work and home. For many clients it’s a real lightbulb moment. And you’ll leave that first session with tools you can use to make progress immediately.
For more information on an introductory leadership breakthrough session customized for you, please click here