Ethics Workshops

Mikael Meir Leadership and Ethics workshops

According to Edelman’s 2013 Trust Barometer, there’s a crisis in leadership: less than 1/5th of the general public believes business and government leaders will tell the truth when confronted with a difficult issue. In spite of billions spent on leadership development, many haven’t been equipped with the personal, daily moral awareness necessary to navigate complex business issues

To address this gap, Mikael Meir has designed a series of Ethics Workshops for the corporate world. Combining his experience as a teacher of Ethics in Finance at Schulich School of Business (Toronto, Canada), along with a profound personal understanding of the architecture of unethical behavior, Meir’s workshops are engaging, interactive, experiential and filled with real-life stories

The content is customized to include examples of ethical issues that arise in your industry.


  • Ethical rules and frameworks that can be applied to individuals’ functional roles
  • Greater awareness of the types of ethical problems faced every day, why they are important, and what individuals can do about them
  • Enhanced skills in recognizing the key influences of ethical and unethical decision-making, and how to address them
  • The creation of a clear and practical personal code of ethics to guide individuals in their jobs.

Formats AvailableKeynote Address, Half Day Workshop, Full Day Workshop, Small-Group and Panel Discussion, Webinars, Tele-seminars

To engage Mikael for your next event, please get in touch by phone at (416) 465-5667, or email him.